Sunday, February 10, 2013

Book review Struck by lightning by Chris Colfer

The book starts out with Carson Philips explain what happened with his parents and grandmother. he tells the story of how he got his car and how he visits his grandmother daily. he then begins to describe his town.  he says what happened to the town when they got a movie theater and why he hope they don't get an airport. then he goes on to describing what his high school   is like. he compares it to a prison yard. He is the editor of his school newspaper and one of the two members of the writers club other than his friend Malerie. the story goes on wit him explaining why he wants to leave his home town and escape to the university of his dreams Northwestern. he goes through high school day talking about the ridicule from his fellow classmates. he talks to his guidance counselor about his plans for the future. he gets news that he may have to do more to get in to the college of his dreams. he decides to write a literary magazine. he blackmails students from his high school to write short stories, poem, and whatever they choose to write. once he received all the submissions he send a copy to Northwestern only to find out that his mother threw out his acceptance letter and won't be able to reapply for two years. while upset he drives to the edge of town and hits the sign with his umbrella and destroys it. no one buys his magazines, so he end up donating them to his grandmothers retirement home. while taking them to his car a storm stars and he get struck by lightning and dies.
I believe this book was very well written and very enjoyable. I think any high school student would be able to relate to some of what he says. This book is very funny. I couldn't put it down. I love this book. Chris Colfer is an extremely good author and I recommend this book to all readers. I rate this book a 4.5 out of 5.
leave suggestions on what books you think I should review next.